About Your Osteopathy Consultation
Melbourne Osteopathy Group
Osteopathy Clinic Fitzroy North
Osteopathy Consltation Costs and Claiming
Booking with an Osteopath
You can book in directly with an osteopath. You do not need a referral from a GP to see an osteopath.
Consultation Costs
Return Consultation $85.00 (30 Minutes)
Initial Consultation $105.00 (1 Hour)
Return Consultation Concession: $70.00 (30 Minutes)
Initial Consultation Concession: $90.00 (1 Hour)
* Concession fees apply to: Pensioners, Health Care Card holders, Full Time Students, Children Under Six and Veterans.
Third Party Providers
Osteopathy is claimable under the following Third Party Providers. Please read the detailed information below with regards to claiming under these providers:
Osteopathy and Medicare Care Plans: Chronic Disease Management (CDM)
Consult your GP or Family Doctor as to if you are eligible for a rebate on up to 5 osteopathic treatments under medicare:
The Chronic Disease Management (CDM) Medicare items on the Medicare Benefits Schedule enable GPs to plan and coordinate the health care of patients with chronic medical conditions who may require Osteopathic treatment amongst other allied health services.
A ‘chronic medical condition’ is one that has been or is likely to be present for at least six months, including but not limited to asthma, cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes mellitus, arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions and stroke.
Talk to your GP/family doctor about your long-term pain that require extended osteopathic treatment. Your doctor will evaluate your eligibility and then use a CDM form to refer you to your Osteopath.
This form must be kept with you and presented to reception with your Medicare card when attending your appointment.
Reception will process your Medicare rebate (current rebate is $51.95) and you will be required to make a gap payment for the remainder of the consultation fee.
Note: You are eligible for up to 5 treatments per calendar year under Medicare.
Osteopathy and Private health insurance: HICAPS
All allied health services are claimable through private health extras cover
We have a HICAPS facility for on the spot health fund claims.
Please present your card and you will only be required to pay the gap for your treatment.
Note: Please check your private health insurance policy for further information
Osteopathy and Work Safe
Work Safe is a government authority that deals with injury at workplaces.
All employees have the right to claim compensation for the medical like costs for work-related injury
If you have suffered a workplace injury presently or in the past we can provide osteopathic treatment for you and develop a program to get you back to work.
What you need to bring to your Initial Consultation:
A referral letter from your GP/Family Doctor
A copy of your Work Safe certificate
Your Work Safe Claim Number
Your Insurers Details
Any other materials/information related to your injury/claim (e.g. from your workplace, insurer, GP) or Imaging (e.g. X-rays and MRI)
Note: Please refer to the Work Safe Website for further information
Osteopathy and Transport Accident Commission (TAC)
TAC is a government authority set up to look after people on our roads. Melbourne Osteopathy Group provides a service for TAC claims. What you need to bring to your Initial Consultation:
A referral Letter from your GP/Family Doctor
Your TAC Claim Number
Any other materials/information related to your injury/claim (e.g. from your insurer, GP) or Imaging (e.g. X-rays and MRI)
Note: Please refer to the TAC Website for further information
Osteopathy and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA)
The mission of the DVA is to support those who serve or have served in defence of our nation and commemorate their service and sacrifice. Melbourne Osteopathy Group provides service for our Veterans
If you are a GOLD card holder you are entitled to be treated for any condition.
If you are a WHITE card holder you are entitled to be treated for only the conditions specified by DVA.
We will bill DVA directly for any care provided to you. This represents the full fee for the service provided.
You must be referred to an osteopath who is registered with Medicare Australia under the Medicare Scheme. A referral can be issued by one of the following:
a Local Medical Officer (LMO);
a General Practitioner;
a medical specialist;
a treating doctor in hospital;
a hospital discharge planner; or
another osteopath who has previously received a referral.
Note: A referral remains active for twelve months from the date of referral. Referral dates cannot overlap from one twelve month period to the next.
Note: Please refer to the DVA Website for further information