Practitioner Profiles
Melbourne Osteopathy Group

Dr. Anthony Dileo (Osteopath)
M.H.Sci (Osteo), B.Sc. (Clin.Sci.), MAOA
Dr. Anthony Dileo (Osteopath) is a certified member of the Australian Osteopathic Association (AOA) and registered with the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA).
He commenced his medical studies in 2004 with a Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences Degree at Victoria University and then transferring into a Bachelor of Clinical Sciences. He then went on to complete his Masters of Health Science in Osteopathy at Victoria University.
Anthony has been practising and living in Fitzroy North along side General Practice and Allied Health for over 10 years enjoying the vibrant and eclectic inner north community.
Anthony has clinical experience in the management of a wide variety clinical conditions and injuries in children, adults and older adults. He has undertaken post graduate study in the following areas:
Headaches and TMJ Syndrome
Complex pain (e.g. fibromyalgia and chronic systemic pain, nerve pain and arthritic pain)
Acute and chronic low back pain rehabilitation and prevention
Pre & Post Natal Care: Pregnancy and pregnancy related pain (along with post graduate study he has enjoyed observing this at home on two occasions including catching both his children on the way out - the easy part!)
Upper and Lower Limb treatment and rehabilitation (e.g. shoulder, elbow, hand, hip, knee and foot complaints)
The co-management (with General Practitioners and Paediatric Specialists) of infants/paediatrics and their musculo-skeletal complaints
He is also registered with TAC and Work Safe
He believes in the osteopathic principals of finding the health of the individual with an aim of recovery enhancement, injury prevention, and augmentation of general well-being.
He has a particular fascination of the emergence of new research into the nature and management of chronic and systemic pain and new research challenging old methods of pain management. He has undergone further study of the works of Norman Doidge and educates patients on the work of Lorimer Momosley.
Anthony has also undergone further post graduate study in "hands-on" osteopathy techniques including osteopathy in the cranial field, biodynamics and integrating visceral and bio-mechanics. He has also undertaken post graduate study in sports rehabilitation, back injury management and general injury/post surgical rehabilitation.
Being a proud father of 2 children Anthony has also undertaken further study in paediatrics and osteopathic co-management of infants and children alongside paediatricians and pediatric GPs. In 2019 Anthony underwent further study into childhood development and neural integration movement prescription with an Occupational Therapy trained Osteopath.
The treatment approach of Dr. Anthony Dileo (Osteopath) is based on patient need and varies. He will ask you what you are comfortable with. It includes:
Articulation and Harmonic Technique (Mobilisation & Movement)
Gentle or firm soft tissue massage
Balance Ligamentous Tension, Cranial Osteopathy, Biodynamics (especially for complex pain and children) - the evidence is poor for these techniques but the positive clinical outcomes achieved reinforce their application
Muscle energy technique (Stretching and activating muscles)
HVLA Manipulation - you will always be asked to provide consent for these techniques.
Along with osteopathic manual therapy to augment health and injury recovery Anthony practices with a clinical focus of patient education. This includes establishing what has happened with a clear diagnosis and how the injury or pain occurred, why it has happened with education on movement, anatomy, physiology and biomechanics, and how to deal with it with a patient focus on recovery and prevention. A famous osteopath once taught him the Latin translation of the word "Doctor" is "to teach".
Anthony also has a great interest in travel and culture and has travelled extensively throughout the world. In 2006, Anthony gained valuable experience working alongside another osteopath as a clinician throughout Europe and.... despite this he still can't speak Italian well. He now finds himself enjoying more time with a young family and less time playing guitar poorly. He enjoys what country Victoria offers finding the most obscure towns he can to take his family to. He enjoys handy tips on keeping indoor plants alive and will take on board any recommendations for the hidden gems of Melbourne's live music scene which keeps him in touch with his youth.
Anthony consults Osteopathy to Fitzroy North, Fitzroy, Carlton North, Carlton, Abbotsford, Clifton Hill, Collingwood, Northcote, Thornbury, Brunswick, Brunswick East, Preston, Fairfield and Melbourne.